Non-Surgical Body Contouring Course 
Level Up Your Beauty Business as a Body Contouring Expert

Master the Skills & gain the in-depth knowledge you need to offer Non-Surgical Body Contouring to your clients, and gain results every time!

Let me teach you the ropes to growing your body contouring business so you can attract new clients who are willing to pay higher prices for a premium treatment and experience!

You might think that I’d want to keep it all the “secrets” to myself…

The reality is that I believe there’s enough clients for all of us in the Beauty and Aesthetics Industry for us all!

Since 2018, I have seen a massive rise in bookings for non surgical body contouring from ladies who don't want surgery, but also those who have had surgery.
All of my clients return for more sessions, including monthly maintenance session...

In fact, it’s not that there’s limited demand, it’s that there aren’t enough partitioners who fully understand the importance of background knowledge around Body Contouring, and do not have the full knowledge, or confidents in offering Body Contouring to their clients.

Just winging it, will NOT attract your dream clients.

My clients sell my Body Contouring treatments for me...

Wanna know how?
Because they are so in love with their results, and the way I work - they rave about me to their friends -
next thing their friend is booked with me.. and that's where the cycle starts!

I would say around 95% of other pratitoners always ask about my techniques, and how I get such good results.
That's why I've created a this online course for those already trained, and ladies who are looking to become the 'go to' for body contouring in their area!

The online course includes all the learning materials and resources you need to take your Body Contouring business to the next level…

Ready to unlock your ultimate business transformation?

YES? Well I can tell you, you will not look back! Once you start your journey in body contouring, you will also gain full support from me, I am here to guide you, support you, and give you that big business push in the right direction!

If you feeling 'meh' right now in your job, and ready to level up your beauty business and sculpt your way to the top, then this is for you!

Are you eager to fizzle out those lower price treatments, and start attracting high-paying clientele and increase your earning potential?
Look no further than our exclusive Body Contouring Training with Amby's Technologies.  

Learn the art of non-surgical body contouring and gain the knowledge and skills to offer premium services that your clients will pay £150-£200 per treatment.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to expand your business, knowledge, attract higher paying client base and boost your income.  

Enrol on our full online body contouring course today, and unlock your full potential in the lucrative, fast growing world of Body Contouring!

online body contouring course

ONLY £497


  • Online Theory Portal with Lifetime Access 
  • Fully Accredited 
  • Full Ongoing Support in the Facebook Group

Online training portal

Our online thirty postal gives your unlimited lifetime access to ensure you fully understanding the basics of body contouring, and the technologies used to get optimal results for your clients!!
We have decided to give you full lifetime access to ensure you can keep learning and watch the  training videos as much as you desire!
This portal will be updated - so there will always be fresh new  infomartion, training updates, protocol updates and any essential information needed to grow your skills in body contouring!

Training videos  and support videos will be uploaded so,  you will get everything - even new training or support videos for FREE!

In person group training

This is a full day training in a small group with 2 other women who are ready to introduce body contouring to their clinic or salon too!
You will have live models throughout the day and the opportunity to ask our head trainer, Ruby anything about body contouring!

Full ongoing support

You will be a member of our exclusive Facebook group where you will receive 1-1 support from Ruby and like minded entrepreneurs - in the body contouring industry- this is where you can ask others questions, get new marketing ideas, share results, and feel supported within the body contouring industry & more! - so you can cultivate your magic and access your next level of success. 

What my students say...

Course Overview